All About the RSA (Click here for detailed information about the RSA’s history, accomplishments, and Board.)

Ouray County’s Regional Service Authority (RSA) is tasked with the responsibility to ensure that medical services remain available in Ouray County. The RSA was established by the voters of the county to provide a medical facility and to contract with a medical provider(s). The RSA, representing taxpayers, owns the clinic facility, and its equipment and medical trade fixtures. The RSA is not a medical entity and does not interfere with the operations of the provider, but rather makes the clinic facilities available, for consideration, to the provider for use in a medical practice.

Since 2000, the Ouray County Regional Services Authority has been overseeing and administrating the mil levy passed to ensure that there will be available medical services for Ouray County residents and citizens.  The RSA has successfully secured and managed the Mountain Medical Center building (located at 295 Sherman St, Ridgway), acquired and purchased equipment and medical records software, as well as streamlined communications and operations with the current medical provider.

Listing of board membership is provided here  Board membership history

For more information on the RSA, please email ouraycountyrsa@gmail.com.